Lunch and Learn:
Creating Content for the Future 6/30/20
NextGenChef Presents Lunch & Learn Tuesday @ 2pm PST
How A Content Calendar Will Help You Get More Done (With A Template To Get You Started)
Join us to learn how to make more cohesive social media campaign and ensure they align with who you are and what you’re trying to achieve in your business. We’ll break down why a content calendar is helpful and increases productivity. and discuss ways to optimize your message and drive visibility and influence on LinkedIn and other social media, when emailing and scheduling meetings etc.
During the hour, we'll look at:
- Why a content calendar is helpful and increases productivity.
- How to create one that works for you
- What should a good content calendar contain
- How often you should be posting content online.
Grab your lunch and pull up a chair for this week's Lunch and Learn!
******Featured Speaker******
Laura Murray
Laura is the Owner of Berry & Wolf, a Marketing Collective catering to food businesses who would like help managing their social media and content marketing strategies to increase visibility online and reach new customers.
#Personalbranding, #networking, #leadership, #careers, #strategy, #entrepreneurship #socialmedia #influencers